научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

About the journal

About the journal

Bulletin of Saint Petersburg State University of Culture.

Publication type — Journal of scientific.

Founder — Saint Petersburg State University of Culture.

First edition — 2003.

Frequency of publication — 4 issues per year.

ISSN — 2619-0303.

Subscription index — 014548.

ISSN edition — 2220-3044.

Format — A4. Volume of 192 p.

Journal of theoretical and applied research «Bulletin of Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture» is included in the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of HAC (Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), which should publish basic scientific results of dissertations for academic degrees doctors and candidates of science in the following areas:

  • cultural sciences;
  • pedagogical sciences.

«Bulletin of Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture» is included in the Russian science citation index full texts of the articles are freely accessible at the portal of the scientific electronic library eLibrary.ru.

«Bulletin of Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture» is included in the scientific electronic library «KiberLeninka» built on the paradigm of open science (Open Science), whose main objectives is to promote science and research activities, public control of the quality of scientific publications, development of modern institutions of scientific review and increase of the Russian science citation.

Currently, the main objective of the magazine is to promote the research works of Russian scientists on global level, their integration in international scientific and information space. To solve this problem, the Editor Board of «Bulletin of Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture» is taking the necessary steps to come into Scopus и Web of Science.

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