научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Collecting of art in China: alternative tradition

  • Annotation
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  • List of references
The article investigates a phenomenon of collecting by considering Chinese cultural artifacts as an example. The collecting, based on reverence of cultural inheritance and art activity, became one of unique traditions in Chinese culture. Collecting of ancient items and art works was a privilege of Emperor s family members, aristocrats and intellectual scientists. Development of collecting gave rise to emergence of art connoisseurs and expert activity, special forms of exposition and storage of collection materials. Written historical evidence regarding collecting in China are considered equally with unique monuments of painting and applied art from museum collections of Emperor s Palace in Peking (Beijing) and Thai Bay (Taiwan). The data presented in this article is aimed to correct the current concept of development of the collecting, which was predominantly based on Western European records. Therefore, the reader is able to make a conclusion on fruitful interpretation of the collecting in terms of intercultural dialogue.
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Authors: Balash Aleksandra Nikolaevna
Рубрика: Нет рубрики
Pages: 25-31
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