научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Development of folklore texts in ensemble singing

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In the culture of the modern village observed the oblivion folk singing traditions and the violation of the mechanism of their transmission, loss of polyphony and ensemble singing. Teaching community refers to the need to include song heritage in the life of modern society, the importance etnovocal learning in the context of oral folk traditions. Unique educational method of teaching of folklore texts by modern musicians using their auditory perception, which reproduces the features of the talk and polyphony, based on the method of speech articulation and resonance in the singing voice. Identified pedagogical conditions and stages of development of folklore texts contribute to the formation of ethnic singing culture of the individual. Dialect singing is rational, work with multi-channel sound recording, preservation and interaction of three main interdependent parameters: timbre, phonetics, musical structure. This will allow you to create a song, create a new, original based on improvisation and variation. Folklore materials for the study and development should be presented in audible form, and not just in writing. The meaning etnovocale pedagogical work is to transfer the key development of folklore texts of any tradition that will allow us to find the most appropriate solutions to the problems of formation of the modern performer of folk songs in modern etnovocale educational space. Algorithm of development of the folk tradition of songs offered on the example of studying songs Novozybkov district of the Bryansk region in the student ensemble.
  • Шастина Татьяна Владимировна
  • Бунчук Т. Н. К вопросу о прагматической организации обрядового фольклорного текста // Русская культура нового столетия: проблемы изучения, сохранения и использования историко-культурного наследия. Вологда: Кн. наследие, 2007. С. 526-535.
  • Толстой Н. И. Язык и народная культура: очерки по славянской мифологии и этнолингвистике. Москва: Индрик, 1995. 512 с.
  • Лотман Ю. М. Избранные статьи: в 3 т. Таллинн: Александрия, 1992. Т. 1: Статьи по семиотике и типологии культуры. 479 с.
  • Лобанов М. А. Фиксация и интерпретация фольклорного материала как текстологическая проблема // Фольклорная традиция: фиксация и интерпретация: сб. ст. Санкт-Петербург: Рос. ин-т истории искусств, 2013. С. 7-20.
Authors: Shastina Tat’yana Vladimirovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 168-172
УДК: 398.8(=161.1):784
Keywords: folk text, ensemble singing, teaching methodology, folk song, authentic performers, folklore expedition, singing voice
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