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Blacks and whites’ carnival

  • Annotation
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  • List of references
Blacks and whites’ carnival is the most important feast at south of Colombia. This carnival symbolized the miscegenation between indigenous, africans and spanish colonists. Its roots come from the local population and Africans rather than from Europeans. According to one source it is believed that the basis for the origing of the carnival was a Christian festival; according to others the Roman Saturnalia. There is a point of view that the Blacks and Whites’ carnival originated earlier than the colonists arrived on the continent, in aboriginal communities. This article analyzes various hypotheses of the carnival’s origin, its history, peculiarities and importance for the culture of the region and the country as a whole.
  • Викторино Леонардо
  • Zarama G. El carnaval y la cultura en el contexto del desarrollo // Ediciones Unariño / Fondo Mixto de cultura de Nariño; Banco de la República; Min. de Cultura Colombia. Pasto, 2002. URL: http: // mincultura. gov. co (дата обращения: 25. 04. 2018).
  • Caro J. El Carnaval: análisis histrico-cultural. Madrid: Ed. Taurus, 1965. 200 р.
  • Da Matta R. An interpretation of Carnival // Univ. of Wisconsin. Div. journals. 2010. URL: http: // jstor. org (дата обращения: 25. 04. 2018).
  • Rodriguez J. Carnaval de Negros y blancos, juego, arte y saber // Ediciones Unariño / Fondo Mixto de cultura de Nariño; Banco de la República; Min. de Cultura Colombia. Pasto, 2002. URL: http: // mincultura. gov. co (дата обращения: 25. 04. 2018).
  • Бахтин М. М. Творчество Ф. Рабле и народная культура средневековья и Ренессанса. Москва: Худож. лит. , 1990. 485 с.
  • Burke P. Que es la historia cultural? Barcelona: Paidos, 2006. 177 p.
  • Eco U. The frames of comic freedom // Sebeok T. A. (ed.) Carnival. Berlin: Mouton, 1984. P. 1-9.
  • Morillo O. Los espacios del carnaval Corpocarnavales. Pasto, 2007. 219 p.
  • Benavides R. Origen del juego de negritos // Cultura Nariñense: revista. 1969. Vol. 2, № 18. P. 43.
  • Cordobés M., José M. Reminiscencias de Santa Fe y Bogotá. Bogota: Ed. Epigrafe, 1945. 450 p.
  • Carnaval de Negros y Blancos. Pasto: Corp. Autnoma de los Carnavales del Municipio de Pasto, 1992. URL: https: // carnavaldepasto.org (дата обращения: 25. 04. 2018).
Authors: Victorino Leonardo
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 96-101
УДК: 394.28(861)
Keywords: carnival, feast, parade, whites’ game, blacks’ game, indigenous, Africans, Spanish colonists, folklore, popular culture
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