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Information and technological resource of modernization of modern socio-cultural practices

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Paradigm of socio-cultural activities, established mainly in the Soviet era and post-perestroika period, characterized by a contradictory approach to understanding its essence. The scientific discourse of recent years within the framework of the interpretation of the SCA as a set of technologies for organizing leisure activities for various social groups with assertion of the post-digital era loses, to a large extent, its conceptual grounds. Modern cultural communications represent a complex conglomeration of subcultures, creative and recreational industries, social institutions, information networks. In modern polyphonic society, new identity formulas arise based on civilizational, axiological, ethnocultural resources. A significant role in these processes is played by hybrids of the physical world and digital simulations uniting users as actors and respondents, the artist and viewers, which allows to organize a new communication between people through digital «matter». Occurs need at other, command, high-tech type the professional organization of activity of managers of social-cultural sphere, similar in the cultural and pedagogical perspective hackathons as a form of group interaction. Schrein-kon, crowdfunding-platforms and crowdinvesting, marketplaces, geolocation, art-formation of public spaces, robotomusic become tools of interaction between professionals and the audience that significantly expands opportunities, changes the character of creative activity of various social groups. The publication discusses the use of information technologies in sociocultural practices, substantiates the need for transition to the new paradigm of socio-cultural activities interpreted as a cultural communicative digital environment in the context of modern creative industries.
  • Сукало Александр Александрович
  • Сукало С. А. Культурно-символические основания политических практик в современной России: монография / М-во культуры РФ, С.-Петерб. гос. ин-т культуры. Санкт-Петербург: С.-Петерб. гос. ин-т культуры, 2017. 132 с.
  • Деникин А. А. Постцифровая эстетика в арт-практиках цифрового искусства // Обсерватория культуры. 2017. Т. 14, № 1. С. 36-45.
  • Флиер А. Я. Модернизация модели морфологии культуры // Обсерватория культуры. 2017. Т. 14, № 1. С. 20-26.
Authors: Sukalo Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Рубрика: Социокультурная деятельность в сфере досуга 132100
Pages: 96-100
УДК: 374.71:316.772
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-3-96-100
Keywords: socio-cultural activity, information technology, leisure industry, mass culture, training in cultural and leisure sphere
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