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Formation of musical-aesthetic taste of pre school children

  • Annotation
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  • List of references
This article deals with the structure of the concept of «musical-aesthetic taste», reveals its conceptual essence, focusing on authoritative interpretations of scientists in various scientific fields. The term «musical-aesthetic taste» is heterogeneous in structure, relates to various adjacent spheres, and therefore can receive a different interpretation, depending on the accentuated component. The formation of aesthetic taste can take place throughout the life of a person, but it is in childhood that it is carried out much more productively and quickly. In educational terms, this age period is the most important in a person’s life, because it is at this time that the intellectual and emotional «foundation» is laid. Proceeding from this, it is desirable to begin the design of aesthetic taste as early as possible - at a time when the child is just beginning to show interest in musical art - at the pre school age. Starting from the substantiation of the corresponding section of the age periodicals of psychological science, the necessity and forms of the implementation of aesthetically developing activities in pre-school educational institutions are substantiated.
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Authors: Sedashova Natal’ya Vladimirovna
Рубрика: Дошкольное образование. Дошкольная педагогика 142300
Pages: 124-128
УДК: 78.01:373.2
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-3-124-128
Keywords: musical-aesthetic taste, aesthetic development, musical education, pre school age, pre-school educational institutions, development activities
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