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Institutionalization of library history researches in USA

  • Annotation
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  • List of references
The relationship between library and information science and library history as research area in USA is discussed. Library history is incorporated in professional community but is not very popular with its members. The article shows that information revolution and computer technologies leads to historical researches decreasing in library and information science. Schools of library and information science are determined as the main conductors of library history researches. Last years the professionals are concerned with the problem of disappearing course on library history from educational programs. The government and private financial organizations interested in library history researches are mentioned. The role of ALA Library history roundtable and journal «Libraries: culture, history, and society» in supporting and promoting historical researches is essential. The publications devoted to library history in terms of their topics and methodological approaches diversity are examined. Multidisciplinary approach is valued as the most effective in integrating library history to American common history.
  • Варганова Галина Владимировна
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Authors: Varganova Galina Vladimirovna
Рубрика: Библиотечное дело. Библиотековедение 133100
Pages: 130-136
УДК: [02(091):001.891.3](73)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-3-130-136
Keywords: library and information science, LIS, professional community, library history, library history research, organizational infrastructure, methodological approaches
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