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Logos and ratio in the content of the Christian temple

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Christian church in modern reality has not lost its cultural and historical signif cance, on the contrary, continues to reveal through the forms and means of art the meanings of love, will and mind. These meanings of human existence, def ning the core of Christian religious culture and culture of the countries of the Christian region, have their own specif cs in Western and Eastern Christianity as the concepts oflogosandratio. Philosophical ref ection of thelogosandratio, most fully realized in the writings of A. F. Losev, as well as art ref ection, presented as an understanding of the features of temple architecture, requires the continuation in the discourse of cultural studies and philosophy of culture, combining their intentions of considering the phenomena of culture in their development, in the forms of objectif cation in their essential characteristics of culture and man as a subject of culture. The mapping of presentation of the ideas of Reason in its pairing with the ideas of Love and Will in the content of the Christian church is represented by the approach to solving the problem of clarifying its cultural meanings in contemporary reality, revealing the architecture of the temple of the categories of love, of will and reason as the sacred core of the culture of Christian countries in the region. 

  • Варова Наталия Леонидовна
  • Нефедова Людмила Константиновна
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Authors: Varova Natalia Leonidovna
Nefedova Ludmila Konstantinovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 15-22
УДК: УДК [069.9:7](083.94)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-15-22
Keywords: church, Christianity, Catholicism, orthodoxy, gothic, reason, ratio, logos, love, will
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