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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Cultural tourism in Petrodvorets in 1960s

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Changes in Russian culture in the 1960s are arised as a result of state policy af ected the museum and tourist spheres. Priority directions in the activities of museums def ned ways and forms by which a person expands his intellectual and cultural level. Museums constitute a signif cant proportion of cultural tourism objects, which, among the main types of tourism at the present stage, occupies a dominant position. Cultural tourism in the 1960s is considered by the example of palaces-museums and parks of Petrodvorets town, which were already one of the leaders in this area. On the basis of unpublished archival museum documents, the specif cs of excursion, lecture and other types of cultural and educational work, as well as mass cultural work are analyzed. The revealed features allow us to trace the main trends of the time in the work of museums and parks of culture and recreation.

  • Васинская Мария Владиславовна
  • 1. Kaulen M. E. (ed.), Kosova I. M. (ed.), Sundieva A. A. (ed.)Museum business of Russia. Moscow: VK, 2010. 676 (in Russ).2. Kolupanova I. A. Problems of mass tourism formationin USSR in 1960’s–1970’s (based on the example of West andEast Siberia). Tomsk State Ped. Univ. bul. 2016. 9 (174), 51–58(in Russ.).3. The youth of our region took up a labor shift. Zaryakommunizma. 1960. 28 Jan., 8 (1449) (in Russ.).4. Petrov P. V. Restoration of Peterhof palaces andparks in 1940–1950’s: main trends and problems. Bul. ofSaint-Petersburg State Univ. of Culture. 2017. 1 (30), 89–95(in Russ.).5. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve.Cabinet of supporting documents (CSD) 2334 (in Russ.).6. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve. CSD2313 (in Russ.).7. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU,Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union CentralCouncil of Trade Unions of May 30, 1969 № 411 «On measuresfor the further development of tourism and excursions inthe country». Library of USSR regulatory legal acts: site. URL:http://www.libussr.ru/doc_ussr/usr_7088.htm (accessed:May 22. 2019).8. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve.Auxiliary accounting (AA)-7918ar (in Russ.).9. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve. CSD2299 (in Russ.).10. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve. CSD2333 (in Russ.).11. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve. AA-7929ar (in Russ.).12. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve. CSD2347 (in Russ.).13. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve. CSD2352 (in Russ.).14. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU «Onenhancing the role of museums in the communist educationof the working people». CPSU in resolutions and decisionsof congresses, conferences and plenums of the CentralCommittee. Мoscow, 1986. 10, 416–417 (in Russ.).15. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve. CSD2308 (in Russ.).16. Archive of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve.AA-7932ar (in Russ.).
Authors: Vasinskaya Mariya Vladislavovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 28-32
УДК: УДК 338.483.12:069(470.23)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-28-32
Keywords: cultural tourism, museum, excursion, mass cultural work, political education, Petrodvorets
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