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Axiology of Monuments of Religious Architecture and their Preservation

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The subject of the research is the inf uence of historical and religious consciousness on the perception and maintenance of historical and cultural values and preservation of the monument. The object of the research is the monuments of religious architecture – Orthodox churches made of stone. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the monument of religious architecture as a historical source and a shrine; also explaining the dependence of the architectural concept of the church on religious consciousness and its transformations, the interaction of historical and religious consciousness in preserving monuments of religious architecture. It is revealed that in the case of neglect of the religious value of the monument of religious architecture, the available historical and cultural meanings of the object are signif cantly reduced, and in the case of forgetting of its historical value, there is a danger of losing it. If historical and religious forms of consciousness are united in one person relating to using of the monument of religious architecture, this can contribute to its comprehensive preservation.

  • Власникова Мария Александровна
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Authors: Власникова Мария Александровна
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 38-43
УДК: УДК [726:271.2-523.4] : 124.51
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-38-43 I
Keywords: religious value, historical value, temple, monument of religious architecture, shrine, symbolics of temple, historical consciousness, religious consciousness
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