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Cultural processes in modern Ukraine

  • Annotation
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Contemporary realities in the cultural space of Ukraine, taking into account the current cultural policy, axiological prioritiesand attempts to distort the cultural code and hopes for change due to changes in politics (including the coming to power oftalented V. A. Zelensky) are analyzed. The refusal of a rash desire to revise history, reject many ideals, values, images and meanings,priorities, imposing unusual evaluations of the past (events, heroes, etc.) and models for the future. These questions becamerelevant in connection with the transformation of the mental paradigm, accompanied by social and sociocultural changes inthe conditions of post-Soviet Ukraine. The paper examines ethical positions, as well as the concepts of objectivity, moralityand honesty in the context of historical and cultural studies. In the current cultural ref ections in the cultural and philosophicaldiscourse of Ukraine, the problems of the culture of Ukraine in the second half of the second decade of the 21st century areconsidered against the background of the tense situation in the country. Excursions into the past were also made, tendencies were noted and an attempt was made in part to predict a possible future.

  • Радзиевский Виталий Александрович
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Authors: Radzievskii Vitalii Aleksandrovich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 116-122
УДК: УДК 316.733: 32 (477)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-116-122
Keywords: culture, laws of culture, V. A. Zelensky, cultural space of Ukraine, cultural code, cultural policy, deontology, subcultures
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