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Dynamics of traditions in culture: general characteristics and factor of interaction with innovations

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The article is devoted to the consideration of such a phenomenon as traditions in culture. The main characteristics of traditions, as well as traditional cultures are given. The problem of the dynamics of traditions in the framework of cultural genesis, which includes the process of dialectical interaction of traditions with cultural innovations, is posed. The general characteristic of innovations and innovative type of culture is given. The cycle of emergence and adoption of innovations on a certain traditional basis is tracked, with their gradual transformation into traditions, creating the ground for the emergence of subsequent innovations. The factor of existence and transformation of traditions in innovative cultures is touched upon. The problem of f xing traditions within the framework of cultural-genetic processes and compiling their exhaustive static lists is posed. In the framework of the architectonic approach, the connection between the tradition-sphere and the cultural heritage is indicated. The architectonic transformations of traditions are f xed in the context of the interaction of their relevant, removed and potential components

  • Улинова Инна Хонгоровна
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Authors: Ulinova Inna Khangorovha
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 123-130
УДК: УДК [008:39]:001.895
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-123-130
Keywords: tradition, innovation, culture dynamics, cultural genesis, cultural heritage, architectonic approach
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