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The formation of the vocalict

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The main theoretical positions of vocal performance teaching are revealed. The results of the practical research conducted by the author are presented. The views of modern researchers are analyzed. А detailed analysis of existing methods of teaching vocals is carried out. The author"s technique of vocal teaching is described, the author’s original view is revealed. The personal experience of the author of the article as a concert vocalist has def ned a peculiar understanding and presentation of specif c practical advice to young vocalists.The author"s teaching method is described in detail, taking into account the many important factors inf uencing a vocalist"s performance skills. The teaching method is disclosed on the example of a specif c work – the jazz ballad «Misty». A detailed analysis of the performance of the vocalist of this work is presented. Using the example of a jazz ballad, possible performance mistakes and ways to eliminate them are comprehensively investigated, attention is paid to vocal subtleties and peculiarities, practical recommendations are given on the performance of each vocal line. The article is based on the results achieved in the process of creative and educational activities.The results of the study were tested in the creative and pedagogical process. Based on the personal vocal experience of the author, the main provisions of the article represent a kind of “guide to action”: the author focuses the attention of performers and teachers, points to the need for meaningful singing, analysis of musical material, and self-control of the vocalist. The article also raised the question of the inf uence of the general culture of the performer on the creative process

  • Радион Яна Анатольевна
  • 1. Yushmanov V. I. Vocal technique and its paradoxes.2nd ed. Saint Petersburg: Dean, 2002. 128 (in Russ.).2. Mitsenko. G. I. Thought as the most importantcomponent of the psychophysiology of vocalization. IIIInternational Interdisciplinary Congress "The Voice" (IIICongress of the Russian Public Voice Academy) September29 - October 1, 2011, Moscow: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2011.80–84 (in Russ.).3. Sentli Ch. The at of singing and vocal declamation:textbook. Saint Petersburg: Planet of music, 2016. 92 (in Russ.).4. Borovik L. G. Scientif c basis of voice production /Chelyabinsk State Acad. of Culture and Arts. Chelyabinsk,2013. 105 (in Russ.).5. Maraf oti M. Method of singing Caruso: a scientif capproach to voice. Saint Petersburg [et al.]: LAN, 2015. 283(in Russ.).6. Pokrovsky A. V. Anatomical and physiologicalmechanisms of speech and the specifics of the articulationapparatus in vocal performance. Modern science: actualproblems of theory and practice. Series of HumanitarianSciences. 2014. 7/8, 3–15 (in Russ.).
Authors: Radion Yana Anatolyevna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 142-146
УДК: УДК [784.75.071.2:784.9]:378
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-142-146
Keywords: pedagogy of pop-jazz vocals, sound extraction, conscious singing, musical composition, jazz ballad
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