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Conceptual foundations of reader studies in the works of A. N. Vaneev and V. S. Kreydenko

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The conceptual foundations of reader studies in the context of library science and library activity in the works by A. N. Vaneeva and V. S. Kreydenko are considered. The authors focus on the reader-study component, which is organically included in library practice, education and science. The authors analyze personal research interests of scientists, in the center of which was the reader, his reading, information-advisory and methodological support and provision of reading activity in the process of the whole system of library activity, interaction of the librarian with the reader. The article describes conceptual approaches to the conceptual apparatus of reader studies, their discussion. The problem f eld of reader studies is revealed on the basis of the names of publications of scientists. The substantiation of the general theory of reading and conceptual dominants in the theory of reading management is given. The prospects for the development of the heritage of scientists are outlined

  • Тургаев Александр Сергеевич
  • Бородина Валентина Александровна
  • 1. Bibliographic index of works V. S. Kreidenko. VladimirSemenovich Kreydenko: biography of sci. and ped. activities.Saint Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg State Univ. of Culture,2015. 9–29 (in Russ.).2. Bibliographic index of works of A. N. Vaneev. AnatolyNikolayevich Vaneev: biography of sci. and ped. activities.Saint-Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State Univ. of Culture,2014. 63–79 (in Russ.).В. А. Бородина, А. С. Тургаев3. Vaneev A. N. User or reader? Library. 2012. 5, 3–4(in Russ.).4. Vaneev A. N. Development of library science inRussia XI – beginning of the XX century. Saint-Petersburg:Saint-Petersburg State Univ. of Culture, 2018. 348 (in Russ.).5. Guide reading in the library: training manual. Lenin-grad: Leningrad State Institute named after N. K. Krupskaya.67 (in Russ.).6. Sakharov V. F. (ed.) Working with readers: the text-book. 3rd ed., rev. and suppl. Moscow: Kniga, 1981. 296 (inRuss.).7. Kreydenko V. S. Favorites. Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg State Univ. of Culture, 2018. 340 (in Russ.).8. Kreydenko V. S. Library services in multiethnic re-gions: a terminal. dict. Saint-Petersburg: Publ. house of the National Libr. of Russia, 2003. 100 (in Russ.).9. Kreydenko V. S. Library Research: a training manual.Moscow: Russ. school libr. assoc., 2007. 352 (in Russ.).10. Bank B. V.; Vaneev A. N. (comp.), Kreydenko V. S.(comp.). Favorites. Saint-Petersburg, 2011. 427 (in Russ.).11. Vaneev A. N., Kreydenko V. S. Again on book hy-giene. Bibliopanorama. 2016. 1, 15–17 (in Russ.).
Authors: Turgaev Aleksandr Sergeevich
Borodina Valentina Aleksandrovna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 160- 166
УДК: УДК 028:001.8
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-160-166
Keywords: conceptual foundations, reader studies, library science, reading theory, principle of activity, individualization, telegonic and recommendation ef ects, A. N. Vaneev, V. S. Kreydenko
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