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Imperial gardens of Ancient Rome

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

In Rome, at the beginning of the empire period, the new type of the gardens which had the status of donation
of the authorities to the Roman people, or remaining in the property of emperors, members of their families and
the closest friends, but the open for visit and becoming popular places of leisure and entertainments of free Roman citizens is born. Occupying large territories around a historical (republican’s) urban core, they existed before the fall of the Roman Empire, having a number of the stylistic features distinguishing them from country gardens at the Roman imperial and private country houses. The Western art critics apply in relation to them the term public parks.
In domestic art studies they were not a subject of the independent detailed analysis which is done by the author of this article on the basis of written Greek and Latin sources and the few remained architectural fragments.

  • Поршнев Валерий Павлович
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Authors: Porshnev Valerii Pavlovich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 69-75
УДК: УДК 712.032(37)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-1-69-75
Keywords: landscape architecture, Ancient Roma, roman imperial urban gardens, Nympheum, sacred grove, thermae
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