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Quality publications humanitarians and efficiency of intercultural communication

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One of the key problems of modern intercultural communication is reduced to a significant difference in the brightness of the expression of content in the process of oral and written communication. The lively form of oral speech reflects the mental acuity of the content more fully and more diversely than the written one. In the Russian humanities, the scientific nature of their language, the desire for scientific expression, has a negative effect on the nature of the communication between authors and readers. Humanitarian publications are a phenomenon of cultural communication proper, a moment of culture self-awareness and its transmission. The author proposes to encourage freedom of expression of thought, including in such well-established forms of scientific publications as abstracts, term papers, theses, dissertations. To instill such freedom of expression of thought is necessary already from school essays and final examination papers.

  • Большаков Валерий Павлович
Authors: Bolshakov Valery Pavlovich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 11-13
УДК: 316.773:001.4
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-4-11-13
Keywords: cultural communication, oral speech, written speech, stylistics, humanitarian publications, scientific languages, oral communication
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