научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Afterword: Leonid Aleksandrovich Suetov and his «laws of history»

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In an article by the well-known historian, an associate professor of the Saint Petersburg State Institute of Culture L. A. Suetov explores the philosophy of history. From the original position an attempt was made to prove and reveal the laws of history. He identifies seven key points that are analyzed with scientifically objective criteria. L. A. Suetov’s views on the bustle of the philosophy of history is absolutely original and creative. The conceptual apparatus of historical science and the main provisions of predecessors - famous philosophers and historians are considered. The author shows the difference between the philosophy of history and the methodology of history. Such categories and stable scientific phrases as «the irony of history», «history does not teach anything», «the role of an individual in history», «the law of power fatigue», «cause-and-effect relationships», «historical time» are shown, derived and analyzed. An attempt was made to show the influence of a person’s personality on the historical process and patterns of historical development. The connection between the philosophy of history and the theory of the history of culture has been convincingly proved. The text marks many of the concepts of historiosophy, historiology and cultural history. Scientific publication and afterword by Petr N. Bazanov.

  • Базанов Петр Николаевич
Authors: Bazanov Petr Nikolaevich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 38-39
УДК: 378-057.175:930
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-4-38-39
Keywords: L. A. Suetov, laws of history, philosophy of history, historiosophy, history of culture, methodology and methodology of history, concept of history, cultural history
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