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To the problem of typology of Charles Dickens’ novels and the evolution of genre in his works

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The works of Charles Dickens are a bridge between the literature of the 18 and the 20 centuries. The evolution of genre of his novels confirms this thesis. From the «high way» novel typical for the 18 century novel through the genre of the education novel he came in the beginning of the 40’s to the novel-parable («Barnaby Rudge») and later to the panorama novel which lead to the appearance of his great philosophical novel «A Tale of Two Cities». All these types of novels prepared the genre of a synthetic novel («Great Expectations») and a principally new type of novel was to be realized in «The Mystery of Edwin Drood», but, unfortunately, it could never come true because of the death of «the Inimitable» Dickens.
  • Купченко Марина Леонидовна
  • Lewis L. M. Dickens, his parables and his reader. Columbia: Missury Univ. Press, 2011.
  • Реизов Б. Г. Вальтер Скотт. Л., 1965.
  • Ивашева В. Повесть о двух городах: [вступ. ст.] // Dickens Ch. A tale of two cities. M., 1982. P. 7.
Authors: Kupchenko Marina Leonidovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 74-84
УДК: 821.111.09 Диккенс
Keywords: Charles Dickens, evolution of the genre, novel is the parable, philosophical novel, synthetic novel
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