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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Mystical realism and paradoxes of artist Boris Mitavsky’s destiny

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Underground, unofficial art of the Soviet period is an interesting page in the history of Russian art. Therefore it is extremely important to document and record the creative and social experience of this period, interesting to see how changes in the social system in Russia influenced by artists formed in the Soviet culture of non-conformism. Boris Mitavsky - Saint-Petersburg’s artist, active participant in the struggle for the rights of artists nonconformist, dissidents creative people in the Soviet period, since 1996 is living in Hannover (Germany). It’s paradoxically, that in Mitavsky’s works there isn’t almost a direct appeal to the social context, to the analysis of specific problems of society. But his creative and life position based on the quest for freedom, the promotion of democratic ideals. In his works, through the analysis of the problems facing the individual existential contradiction necessary existence in an alien environment, he goes on meta narrative level. No matter how the name of this alien environment - Soviet ideology, emigration, the world of images of popular culture or otherwise. Basis, the starting point for being heroes’ works Mitavsky interlacing is genuine and subjective cultural memory, which is manifested through what is considered to be a reality.
  • Демшина Анна Юрьевна
  • Арутюнян Ю. И. Методологические проблемы искусствоведения в контексте современного гуманитарного образования // Тр. СПбГУКИ. 2013. Т. 200: Педагогика высшей школы: интерактив. технологии в образовании и культуре. С. 178.
  • Берг М. Гамбургский счет // Новое лит. обозрение. 1997. № 25. С. 113.
  • Гройс Б. За литературный профессионализм // Знамя. 1998. № 6. С. 181.
  • Дебор Г. Общество спектакля. М., 2000. С. 106.
  • Лотман Ю. Избранные статьи: в 3 т. Таллин: Александра, 1992. Т. 2.
  • Поэзия французского сюрреализма: антология / сост. М. Яснов. СПб.: Амфора, 2003. С. 347.
Authors: Demshina Anna Yur’evna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 113-117
Keywords: artist Boris Mitavsky, informal art, mystical realism, surrealism
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