научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Significance of Soviet Epoch in history of art

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
Soviet Epoch is remembered for repressions and ideological pressure. Everyday life of Soviet people was very hard. They lived under conditions that later were labeled as living behind «the Iron Curtain». Knowing of foreign languages was not encouraged by the state and the majority of Soviet citizens never studied them. There was deficit of everything; lack of clothes, lack of good, lack of food. On the other hand, many things were appealing. For the first, education became obligatory. Very often it was of a very high quality. Soviet professionals were recognized all over the world. The state supported gifted graduates. The soviet government paid special attention to education. For the second, children were cared after all over the country. Sport was also an object of special attention. To widen working class, different kinds of professional colleges were established. Those who did not want to enter universities, to become scientists, joined these occupational institutions. But this choice did not prevent them from getting higher education later. Lodging was almost free. Communal payments were very low, even the economically disadvantaged could afford it. To sum it up, the epoch was terrible but beautiful at the same time. The culture of this era was multileveled. Despite people s sufferings this culture would be remembered. Bloody history of the Soviet Epoch, regardless all its contradictions will remain in the history of art as a significant step of its development.
  • Махлина Светлана Тевельевна
  • Клепикова Е. Отсрочка казни. М., 2008. С. 495-497.
  • Утехин И. Очерки коммунального быта. М., 2001.
  • Штеренберг М. И. «Роза мира» Даниила Андреева и современность. М., 2000. С. 143.
  • Махлина С. Т. Семиотика культуры повседневности. СПб., 2009. С. 145-146.
  • Клепикова Е. Указ. соч. С. 495.
Authors: Makhlina Svetlana Tevel’evna
Рубрика: Нет рубрики
Pages: 12-15
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