научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

On evaluation of State Cultural Policy implementation

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The implementation of the State Cultural Policy necessitates an adequate assessment of the achievement of its goals. Complexity, multivariance, multidimensionality of socio-cultural processes, the need to take into account their impact on the content of cultural life, the elevation of the spiritual needs of the population, changes in value orientations and meanings, harmonization of relations between the state and society require a reasonable choice of criteria, their appropriate qualitative and quantitative determination, adequate use of existing instrumental evaluation methods and procedures, as well as organization of valuation activities. The authors propose a specific mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of the State Cultural Policy, due to which the integral criterion for evaluating the implementation of the State Cultural Policy is decomposed from the system of individual criteria, and individual criteria are characterized by adequate qualitative and quantitative indicators that meet the requirements of specificity and accessibility. Such a mechanism will allow to check the achievement of the goals of the State Cultural Policy and evaluate the degree of their implementation on the basis of data on the current state of cultural development and will ensure the prevention of emerging deviations in the implementation of measures to achieve the goals of the State Cultural Policy and identify threats to national security in the field of culture. Proposed a criteria-based model will make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the State Cultural Policy at the Federal, regional and institutional levels, as well as the level of personal cultural development.

  • Востряков Лев Евгеньевич
  • Ивлиева Ирина Анатольевна
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Authors: Vostryakov Lev Evgen’evich
Ivlieva Irina Anatol’evna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 6-10
УДК: 304.4(470):303.094.5
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-1-6-10
Keywords: State Cultural Policy, value-oriented model , evaluation criteria system, integral criterion for evaluating qualitative indicators quantitative indicators monitoring effectiveness
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