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Design as vector of humanization of society

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The globalization of society has led to the need to search for humanistic values common to humanity. Design today extends to almost all areas of human existence. The term «design» today is used to a wide range of human activities. For example traditional real design, communication design, environmental design, virtual reality design and etc. Design as part of the culture of everyday life is trying to become one of the conductors of ethical standards. The embodiment of this idea goes in several directions. Minimalism style is part of the development of environmental consumption greening all aspects of human existence. The postmodern game of everything in the world provokes the co-authorship of the designer and the consumer, stimulates human self-development. Design as a way to form «scripts» for human behavior. The reverse side of the design is participation in the manipulation strategies related to commercial gain, the approval of the values of the consumer society, the promotion of the values of Western society as the only true ones. Speaking as a form of realization of values and ideas, the design tries to design and adjust human behavior, influences the properties of communications.

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Authors: Demshina Anna Yur’evna
Lisnyak Elena Vyacheslavovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 75-80
УДК: 7.012:316.77
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-1-75-80
Keywords: design,globalization of culture,modern humanism,culture of everyday life,consumer society,human properties
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