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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Vasily Vereshchag’s first visit of to USA in context diplomatic relations of Russia and America

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The article is devoted to political implications and context of the first American exhibition of Vasily Vereshchagin’s works in 1888. This is a little-studied aspect of his career. The article shows that the purpose of the Vereshchagin’s American project included promoting not only his art, but also Russian culture as a whole, and that it was claimed by the current political moment of Russian-US relations.
  • Чернышева Мария Александровна
  • Верещагин В. В. Избранные письма. М., 1981. С. 96.
  • Верещагин В. В. Повести. Очерки. Воспоминания. М., 1990. C. 224-271.
  • Журавлева В. И. Понимание России в США: образы и мифы, 1881-1914. М., 2012. С. 296.
  • Кудря А. Верещагин. М., 2010. С. 149.
  • Стасов В. В. Василий Васильевич Верещагин // Избр. соч.: в 3 т. М., 1952. Т. 2. С. 247-248.
  • Стасов. В. В. Статьи и заметки, не вошедшие в собрание сочинений: в 2 т. М., 1952. Т. 1. С. 130.
  • Чернышева М. Новый взгляд на феномен реализма: о фотографическом проекте художника Верещагина и генерала Кауфмана // Ab Imperio. 2015. Вып. 4. URL: http: // academia. edu (дата обращения: 12. 07. 2016).
  • Baylen J. O., Weyant J. G. Vasili Vereshchagin in the United States // Rus. rev. 1971. Vol. 30, № 3, Jul. Р. 252. URL: http: // jstor.org (дата обращения: 01. 06. 2016).
  • Chernysheva M. «The Russian Gérôme»?: Vereshchagin as a painter of Turkestan // RIHA: journal. 2014. Jul.-Sep. http: // riha-journal. org (дата обращения: 01. 06. 2016).
  • Exhibition of the works of Vassili Verestchagin: Illustrated descriptive catalogue. New York, 1888.
  • Lamprey B. L. The Verestchagin rugs // The decorator and furnisher. 1889. Vol. 13, № 4, Jan. P. 109.
  • Medvedev N. The contradictions in Vereshchagin’s Turkestan series: visualizing the Russian Empire and its others: Ph. D. in art history / Univ. of California. Los Angeles, 2009. Unpubl.
  • The Verestchagin pictures // The art amateur. 1888. Vol. 20, № 1, Dec. P. 3.
  • Vereschagin V. Painter, soldier, traveller: autobiographical sketches / transl. from German and French by F. H. Peters; with illustr. after drawing by the author. New York: The Amer. Art Association Publ., 1888. 156 p. URL: https: // catalog. hathitrust. org (дата обращения: 12. 07. 2016).
  • Verestchagin V. On progress in art: first appendix to catalogue of Verestchagin exhibition. New York, 1888.
  • Verestchagin V. Realism: second appendix to catalogue of Verestchagin exhibition. New York, 1888.
Authors: Chernysheva Maria Aleksandrovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 142-145
УДК: 75-051(=161.1)"18"+341(470:73)(091)
Keywords: Vasily Vereshchagin, Russian art of 19th century, national culture, art and politics, Russian and USA relations
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