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«Point of view» in modern media as a cultural phenomenon

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Today, the focus of media research has shifted toward identifying the power and cultural potential of media.
One of the centers of media communications is the creation and presentation of certain points of view that affect the audience not only within the media-environment. The formation of a point of view, the possession of the skills of its presentation, the ability to manipulate other people’s opinions in the media-era, have quite a serious power potential. Affect, sensory experience, the study of which began in hermeneutic discourse, are the most desirable form of influence on the audience. A sensory impression, transmitted and perceived or not perceived within the framework of communication, to strive through an affective reaction to spread on the likeness of a virus and take its place in the general flow of information and in the minds of its consumers. The first impression, the moment of affection becomes a point of report for the author and for the audience. Affect is achieved by playing conventional symbolic capital and breaking the accepted pattern, the sincerity of the author of the content and the audience.
The development of certain presentation standards for the point of view has become a new cultural phenomenon that affects all media-users. The point of view, penetrated into the media, transformed in the process of reposts and comments, presents some social agreements, some of which demonstrate humanistic values, others cause cruelty in real life. A separate issue is the controllability of the point of view of the media-environment. A number of researchers note the presence of pressure on the media from institutions with real power capital and commercial opportunities. The problems of digital and psychological security of the media, the importance of the digital divide are only conceptualized in modern society

  • Демшина Анна Юрьевна
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Authors: Demshina Anna Yur’evna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 18-22
УДК: УДК 316.774:316.642.2
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-1-18-22
Keywords: media culture, hermeneutics, point of view, digital divide, power media discourse, self-organization
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