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Actualization the fashion illustrations in contemporary museum and exhibition’s space

  • Annotation
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The problem of actualization of fashion illustrations in contemporary museum and exhibition’s space have emerged due to the popularity of mixed art-practices, retro-mania and retrospectively rampant in the art and fashion. In the article the author analyzes museum’s and gallery’s collections of fashion illustrations to date; reveals of exhibition and exposition’s practice of fashion illustrations; analyzes the tendencies of exposure of fashion illustrations in Internet.
  • Лапик Наталья Александровна
  • Андреева Е. Постмодернизм: искусство второй половины ХХ - начала XXI в. СПб.: Азбука-классика, 2007. С. 32.
  • Галерея модной иллюстрации: сайт. URL: http: // fashionillustrationgallery. com (дата обращения: 18.09.2014).
  • Гройс Б. Политика поэтики. М.: АдМаркинемПресс, 2012. C. 353.
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France = Национальная библиотека Франции: сайт. URL: http: // bnf. fr (дата обращения: 18.09.2014).
  • Blackman C. 100 years of fashion illustration. London: Laurence King Publish., 2007. Р. 10.
  • Muller F. Dior impressions: the inspiration and influence of impressionism at the House of Dior. New York: Rizzoli Intern. Publications, 2013. 152 p.
Authors: Lapik Natalia Aleksandrovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 94-97
УДК: 7.05:069.5
Keywords: fashion illustration, museum’s and exhibition’s space, retrospectivity, presentation
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