научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

J. A. Schmidt on the research departments of museum galleries

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

One of the most topical issues in the museum history is the question of the relationship between international and
national principles in museum practice and museological thought. In this article, using the example of a report read by
the curator of the Hermitage Picture Gallery, James Alfredovich Schmidt (1876–1933) at the Institute of Art History in
1926, the author shows the connection between international trends and early Soviet museological thought. Schmidt’s
report is based on the idea of the need to divide the collection of an art museum (picture gallery) into two parts. One
part should include the most significant works and be intended for the public. The second – the research department –
should be oriented to the work of experts. We fi nd the same ideas in the most significant international research projects
in museology of the era – volumes of articles «Museums: An International Study on the Reform of Public Galleries»
(1931) and «Museography: Architecture and Organization of Art Museums» (1935). The author establishes a connection
between these ideas and the concept of the canon, which was forming in this period, in relation to the history of art.

  • Ананьев Виталий Геннадьевич
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  • Ananiev V. G. Fyodor Ivanovitch Sсhmit and the volume«Museés. Enquéte Internationale sur la réforme des galeriespubliques. Paris, 1931»: near the cradle of «museum revolution».The Problems of museology. 2012. 2 (6), 187–193 (in Russ)
Authors: Ananiev Vitaly Gennadievitch
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 11-14
УДК: УДК [069.5:75]”1926”
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-11-14
Keywords: museum, State Hermitage, J. A. Schmidt, Institute of History of Arts, museology, history of art
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