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Culture of Hellenistic Bactria and the finds of inscriptions of the end of XX – beginning of XXI century

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article is dedicated to the development of the modern researches of inscriptions which were found on the territory of
Hellenistic Bactria (IV–I centuries BC). The emphasis is made on the texts discovered on clay and stone, as well as parchments.
There are two important points in this work: the tax receipt on the parchment from the collection of Ashmolean Museum in
Oxford and the contract with the Scythian detachment on the parchment, which was found in the Balkh region. The article tells
about the dedication of Iromois to Oxus from Takhti-Sangin. The stone inscriptions from Kandahar take the important place:
the first tells on behalf of some “son of Aristonax”, the second is the stele of a man named Sophytos son of Naratos. The written
dedication to the goddess Hestia by Heliodotus discovered about Kuliab plays the main role. These documents illustrate a lot
of cultural realities of Hellenistic Bactria. They touch upon the problems, connected with religion, education and literature and
social, economic and political spheres

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Authors: Popov Artem Anatol’evich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 78-84
УДК: УДК [008:94(396.4)]+930.2”19/20”
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-78-84
Keywords: Hellenistic period, Hellenistic culture, Central Asia, Bactria, epigraphic, parchments.
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