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Organization of volunteer activities during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

In recent years, there has been a tendency for the active growth of volunteer (volunteer) activities not only in Russia, but
also abroad. Volunteering is one of the most effective ways to solve socially signifi cant tasks of the state. At present, it is already
difficult to imagine any sphere of human activity without the participation of volunteers (volunteers). The author analyzed the
organization of volunteer (volunteer) activities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia and abroad. Particular attention in the
article is paid to specific examples of the activities of volunteer organizations in large cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny
Novgorod). The results of a questionnaire survey of participants of volunteer organizations are presented, the leading motives
of their activities are revealed. Volunteer experience in other countries is characterized, similarities and diff erences are revealed.

  • Паклина Елена Алексеевна
  • All-Russian action of mutual assistance «#WeVmeste».URL: https//мывместе2020.рф (accessed: June 20.2020) (in Russ.).
  • Ivlieva I. A., Polagutina L. V. Social and professionalvalues in the system of training of managers of social andcultural activity. Proceedings of the Saint-Petersburg StateInstitute of Culture. 2018. 216, 8–15 (in Russ.).
  • Goodness and volunteers around the planet: howordinary people are saving the world from the coronavirus.URL: https//mel.fm/volonterstvo/378694-kindness_and_volunteers (accessed: July 20.2020) (in Russ.).
  • How volunteers are helping to cope with thecoronavirus. URL: https//detaly.co.il/kak-volonterypomogayut-spravitsya-s-koronavirusom (accessed:July 20.2020) (in Russ.).
  • Wuhan: when the state was not omnipotent. Howvolunteers organized the «road of life» at the epicenter ofthe coronavirus epidemic. URL: https//mnews.world/ru/uhan-kogda-gosudarstvo-okazalos-ne-vsemogushhimkak-volontyory-organizovali-dorogu-zhizni-v-epitsentre-epkoronavirusa (accessed: May 20.2020) (in Russ.).
  • A review of research by the Higher Schoolof Economics on various volunteering practices duringthe COVID-19 pandemic. URL: https//roscongress.org/materials/obzor-issledovaniy-vysshey-shkoly-ekonomikiposvyashchennykh-razlichnym-praktikam-volonterstva-vper/ (accessed: July 20.2020) (in Russ.).
Authors: Paklina Elena Alekseevna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 130-135
УДК: УДК 364:616-036.2
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-130-135
Keywords: v olunteer, volunteer activities, volunteering, youth, social activity, COVID-19 pandemic
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