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Traditions of decorative and applied arts in the Kazan province (XVI–XX centuries)

  • Annotation
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  • List of references

The article considers issues of development of Tatar and Russian decorative and applied arts in the Kazan province in the
pre-revolutionary period. The specificity of the two national art trends, the differences and the reasons for the peculiarities are
highlighted. The prerequisites for the professional training of craftsmen are investigated.
It is proved that arts and folk crafts
are closest to the academic fine arts. Convincing evidence is given that art education by the process of mastering professional
skills and aesthetics in a particular form of art, which was originally carried out in Moscow and St. St. Petersburg acquired its
special signifi cance with the opening of such educational institutions in the Kazan province itself and contributed to the mutual
enrichment and interpenetration of Tatar and Russian arts and crafts.

  • Зиннурова Альфия Фидаиловна
  • Юсупов Ривкат Рашидович
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Authors: Zinnurova Alfiya Fidailovna
Yusupov Rivkat Rashidovich
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 168-172
УДК: УДК 745/749(470.41-25)”15/19”
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-168-172
Keywords: decorative and applied arts, folk crafts, traditions, training of craftsmen, Kazan province, mutual enrichment of cultures
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