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Psychoanalysis between culturology and cultural studies

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The article is devoted to the relationship between psychoanalysis, cultural studies and culturology. More attention is paid to the analysis of the conceptual and methodological contribution of psychoanalytic theory to cultural studies. The author emphasizes the nature of the reception of psychoanalytic theories in Western science, demonstrating that the invasion of psychoanalysis into the field of cultural studies, as well as the dynamics of their mutual influence was conditioned by the general ideological attitudes of «suspicion» towards the institutions of power. Psychoanalysis brings its methodological usefulness to cultural studies in that it can be used to reveal the conditions of creation and consumption of cultural products, the discovery of the subject’s representation strategies, and the degree of the researcher’s engagement. The conclusion is made that a productive dialogue between practicing psychoanalysts, researchers in the theory of psychoanalysis, as well as scholars involved in the theory and history of culture is necessary for the integration of modern psychoanalytic theory into domestic culturology

  • Вавилов Павел Сергеевич
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Authors: Vavilov Pavel Sergeevich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 12-20
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-1-12-20
Keywords: culturology, history of culturology, cultural studies, culturological studies, psychoanalysis, interdisciplinarity, psychoanalytic culturology
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