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Cultural project «Soviet man»

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The article actualizes the concept of «Soviet man» as a socio-cultural and philosophical-anthropological phenomenon. Based on a broad empirical material, the author substantiates the idea of the project «Soviet man» as a generalized artistic image, a set of social and moral characteristics, visual and verbal matrices. The integration of the cultural project with the world tradition (in particular, the ancient one) is established, and the artistic-aesthetic and socio-political aspects of works of art as cultural practices are substantiated. It is concluded that the considered concept incorporates human experience, which is in demand due to its diversity, tendentiousness, structural certainty, strangeness and recognizability

  • Злотникова Татьяна Семеновна
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Authors: Злотникова Татьяна Семеновна
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 36-45
УДК: УДК 130.2:[94(47):304.3]
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-1-36-45
Keywords: soviet man, cultural project, personality, philosophical and anthropological method, totalitarianism, «thaw», antiquity
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