научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Yuri Alexandrovich Podlaskin (portrait of the teacher)

  • Annotation
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Yuri Alexandrovich Podlaskin taught instrumentation at music schools in Leningrad and St. Petersburg for more than 30 years. He was a graduate of the piano faculty of the Leningrad Conservatory, worked at the Perm Opera Theater, served throughout the war in the Navy ensemble, had military awards, as a conductor worked with various ensembles and, of course, was a master of instrumentation. His lessons were a real school of professional skills for the students. Yuri Alexandrovich did not write memoirs, did not like to give interviews, and the memories of students exist only in the form of handwritten and oral stories. This material is the first attempt to create a biographical essay about an outstanding musician and teacher, the skill of which was continued in the students. Its graduates successfully conduct teaching activities, perform on stage, and lead various musical groups

  • Колесникова Елена Михайловна
Authors: Kolesnikova Elena Mihailovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 60-63
УДК: УДК 78.071.4(092)(470.23-25)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-1-60-63
Keywords: : instrumentation, Yu. A. Podlaskin, ensemble of the Navy, Leningrad Сonservatory, music college, musical culture
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