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Heterotopies in the works of Mikhail Kuraev

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The article describes the experience of analyzing a literary text in the light of the concept of heterotopy developed by M. Foucault. The features of the embodiment of «other spaces» in the prose of M. Kuraev, the «classic» of the modern «Petersburg text», are considered. For M. Kuraev’s artistic method, the advice of localizing an action in a limited space, which acquires the status of «other» in the context of a work, is quite typical. The most obvious use of the technique in the novel «Montachki’s Mirror», where the object of artistic research was the Leningrad communal apartment, the narrative representation of which contains the typical features of heterotopy.

  • Лопачева Мария Каиржановна
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Authors: Lopacheva Maria Kairzhanovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 75-82
УДК: УДК 821.161.1(470.23-25)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-1-75-82
Keywords: Michel Foucault, heterotopy, Mikhail Kuraev, «Petersburg text», narrative, fractal
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