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Imaginary novelty and its affirmation in culture

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The study of novelty as a cultural phenomenon presupposes the formulation and solution of the problem in the ultimate interpretation, as an unbiased description of its appearance on a defined territory, reducing it to preestablished principles that explain novelty as certainty and stability. This means understanding the phenomenal limit-the novelty goes to infinity and shimmers in the vastness of being, appears to the inquisitive mind in the form of original discoveries and imaginary worlds. Novelty is revealed as the opening potency of being with the possibilities that have appeared – the reversal of events that are its direct implementation. The formulation of the novelty problem immediately confronts the initial contradiction and the difficulty of solving it. Imaginary novelty compensates for the unavailability of a material analog-it fills the voids of being and presence with its creations. Imaginary novelty carries the desired illusions that inspire the enthusiast, but under the cover of dreams, the real novelty of being grows. The paper suggests the related concepts: imaginative, imaginary, quasi-objective for the expansion of the intellectual landscape of the field of culture. In the aspect of novelty, the imaginary appears as an outstripping development of the presence, its separation from being and self-active bifurcation, the desire for a new material embodiment – the production of added being

  • Суворов Николай Николаевич
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Authors: Suvorov Nikolai Nikolaevich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 133-138
УДК: УДК 008:130.2
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-1-133-138
Keywords: novelty, imaginary, imaginary, culture, quasi-object, thinking, subjectivity, value, meaning, being, presence
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