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The cross as a symbol cultural identity of Ethiopia

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The article deals with the semantics and symbolism of the cross in the culture of Ethiopia. It is shown
that the special forms and various functions of the cross are associated with the canonical ideas of the
ancient Eastern Ethiopian church and its influence on the social and private life of the Ethiopian society.
The typology of the main forms of the cross is traced, the development of ornamental decoration in the
context of religious and everyday life, including in the bodily practices of tattooing, in the decoration of
traditional textiles. The cross is interpreted as a sign of cultural and regional identity. Commission of
church crosses is seen as a manifestation of personal piety. The most significant are religious ceremonial
crosses associated with worship, as well as hand crosses for personal blessing, which are common not
only in the church, but also in family life. Thus, the cross is one of the most important signs of ethnic self-
identification in modern Ethiopian culture.

  • Шкандрий Надежда Ярославовна
  • Ацбеха Негга Тесфае
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Authors: Shkandriy Nadezhda Yaroslavovna
Atsbeha Negga Tesfaye
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 12-17
УДК: 271.2-526.6(63):7.048
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-12-17
Keywords: Ethiopia, Ethiopian culture, Ethiopian Orthodox Church, ceremonial cross, hand cross, pectoral cross, staurography, ritual tattoo, ethnic identity
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