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Ideology and culture in the context of state cultural policy

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In the context of the formation of the new value-oriented model of State Cultural policy in Russia, the need to change its real practice of cultural policy is actualized. The key to realizing the orientation potential of the state cultural policy is self-identification in ideology as a structure of the cultural sphere. The ideology of the modern cultural policy, according to the authors, should be the concept of conservative realism, based on the interpretation of the conservative approach proposed by the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin as a reliance on a time-tested tradition, the preservation and multiplication of the population, realism in assessing oneself and others, the exact alignment of a system of priorities, the correlation of the necessary and possible, calculating formulation of the goal, a principled rejection of extremism as a way of acting.

  • Востряков Лев Евгеньевич
  • Волков Виталий Александрович
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  • Martyanova V. S. (ed.), Fishman L. G. (ed.). Russia in Search of Ideologies: Transformation of the Value Regulators of Modern Societies. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2016. 334 (in Russ.). 
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Authors: Vostryakov Lev Evgen’evich
Volkov Vitaliy Alexandrovich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 18-23
УДК: 316.75:351.85
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-18-23
Keywords: cultural policy, state, ideology, culture, society, values, civilization
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