научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры


The editors are responsible for all published materials, which implies: the desire of editors to satisfy the scientific needs of readers and authors. ensure high quality of published materials; Do not interfere with the expression of the author’s position; to exclude the satisfaction of financial and other pragmatic needs to the detriment of intellectual and ethical standards; always ready to publish corrections, clarifications, rebuttals and apologies when necessary. The editors assume that both authors and reviewers are aware of the requirements for them.

 The editors and editorial boards make decisions on the publication or rejection of materials based solely on their professional level and quality, regardless of race, gender, nationality, citizenship, religious, ideological or political position of the author.

 The editorial staff of the journal, making a decision on the publication of the article, is guided by the reliability of the data, the scientific significance and scientific novelty of the work presented.

The editors of the journal use the single-blind peer review method.

 The editors stop preparing the manuscript for publication when it detects violations of publication ethics, expressed in plagiarism, sending previously published materials to the journal, misappropriation of the results of other people`s scientific research, as well as falsification of data.

 The editors do not use the data obtained from the submitted manuscripts and do not pass them on to third parties (with the exception of reviewers) until publication.

 The editors agree on all the fundamental adjustments made to the text, they are subject to agreement with the author (or authors) of the materials. In case of disagreement with the revision, both parties have the right to refuse publication, however, the editors do not enter into further correspondence with the authors.

 The magazine publishes materials exclusively at no cost.

 The editors are responsible for the published materials, however, they may not reflect the views of the founder, the editorial board and the editors.



Only original works of a high scientific level that are not sent to other publications are accepted for consideration.

The text submitted for placement by the author in the journal contains logically and methodologically reasoned theses, if necessary, with the use of third-party and appropriately formatted data.

The authors guarantee that all submitted data and materials, authentic and do not violate the rights of third parties, and their publication does not bear signs of disclosure of secret or confidential information.

If there are fragments in the manuscript or references to works protected by copyright or owned by third parties, authors should provide links to relevant sources and, if necessary, provide permission from copyright owners. A list of all references should be placed at the end of the manuscript.

The authors agree that their article will be sent for single-blind peer review and undertake to work with editors to improve, reduce or supplement their article in accordance with the comments of the reviewer, as well as to correct these inaccuracies.

The authors attach to the article their personal data (place of work, position, e-mail), which are allowed for publication in the journal.

Violation of ethical principles by the author leads to the rejection of the manuscript and further interaction with it.



The reviewer is an expert in the field in which the article under review is devoted to research.

The reviewer cannot be the supervisor (scientific consultant) of any of the authors - applicants for a degree.

A reviewer who does not have sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript, or cannot be objective, should inform the editor about this, asking him to be excluded from the review of this article.

The reviewer must keep confidential the materials provided to him and not to discuss unpublished manuscripts with colleagues and not to use the information contained in them in their work, to maintain confidentiality of information about the manuscript and its review.

The review should include an analysis of the correspondence of the submitted article to the requirements of the journal by topic and volume, as well as an assessment of scientific novelty, the validity of experimental data, literacy, consistency and clarity of material, and representativeness of the bibliographic list.

Based on the results of the review of the article by the reviewer, the editorial board of the journal accepts the possibility of its publication - in the form presented, with revision, after a fundamental revision (with a second review) or its rejection.

According to the results of external and internal (editorial) peer-reviewing, if necessary, the author is sent a review of the manuscript indicating the required improvements and the time frame in which they must be done.

The article under review is a confidential document, its transfer for review or discussion to third parties is unacceptable. In the event of a conflict of interest, the editorial office must be notified as soon as possible.

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