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Romanesque sculpture of SainteFoy in Conques and the problem of spatial structure of the churches on the pilgrimage roads

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The sculptural decoration of Romanesque church of Sainte-Foy in Conques, including the tympanum of the portal, devoted to the theme of Last Judgment, and reliefs of capitals of the interior and cloister, form subordinate to certain laws, logically structured and carefully thought-out space of the temple. The identification of historical parallels, topics, directly connected with the past of the monastery, referring to the Sainte-Foy, a patron of captives, attention to the details in numerous battle scenes and principles of the location of capitals, based on the idea of hierarchical perception of space raise the question of unified program of the sculptural decoration, connected with the reception of the temple as the church on the pilgrimage roads.
  • Арутюнян Юлия Ивановна
  • Даркевич В. П. Путями средневековых мастеров / отв. ред. А. Л. Монгайт. 2-е изд. М.: Либроком, 2010. С. 93.
  • Физиолог / под ред. Е. И. Ванеева. СПб.: Наука, 1996. С. 134. (Литературные памятники).
  • Bousquet J. La Sculpture a Conques aux XIe et XIIe siecles: essai du chronologie comparee: 2 vol. Lille: Université de Lille, 1973. Vol. 1. P. 1-75.
  • Brehier L. Les chapiteaux histories de Notre-Dame du Port a Clermont: etude iconographique // Rev. de l’art chretien. 1912. T. 62. P. 253-254; Rochais, l’abbe. Les chapiteaux de l’eglise de Saint-Nectaire // Bul. monumental. 1909. Vol. 73. P. 231.
  • Carlsson F. The Iconology of Tectonics in Romanesque Art. Hassleholm: Am-Tryck, 1976. P. 69-77, 86-95, 103-104, 108-129, 137-140, 143-148.
  • Male E. The religious art in France, the 12th century: a study of the origins of medieval iconography / ed. by H. Bober. Cambridge; Princeton, 1978. P. 271-274.
  • Reau L. Iconographie de l’art chretien. Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 1955-1959. Vol. 3, № 1. P. 514.
  • Swiechowski Z. La sculpture romane d’Auvergne. Clermont-Ferrand: De Bussac, 1973. P. 173. (Lе Bibliophile en Auvergne; 16).
  • Terpak F. Conques. Ste-Foy // Dictionary of Art / ed. J. Turner. New York: Grove; London: Macmillan, 1996. Vol. 7. P. 719.
  • The Book of Sainte Foy / P. Sheingorn. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pensylvania, 1995. 311 p.
Authors: Arutyunyan Yuliya Ivanovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 92-97
Keywords: temples on ways of pilgrims, French Romanesque sculpture, the sculptural decoration of churches, Romanesque capitals, church of Sainte-Foy in Conques
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