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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

The complex Mahabodhi in Bodhgaya: problems of attribution on the example of the cycle of reliefs «Sudhakaran-Jataka»

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The article covers the attribution of Mahabodhi temple’s railing sculpture. Mahabodhi temple is the first Buddhist temple constructed on a place of Gautama Buddha’s Enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. The author attributes and analyzes railing’s reliefs from Mahabodhi complex kept in Archaeological museum in Bodhgaya (Sudhabhojanajataka-cycle), uses never translated into Russian jataka-stories, narrating about last births of the Buddha. For the purpose of attribution’s acceleration the author offers a method of findings check by means of «attributive anchors» of first, second and third degrees. The attribution’s problems under review are the using of iconographical complex approach, an interreligious context and preservation. The article is supplied with new photos of sculptural medallions, which are published for the first time and with the permission of Bodhgaya Museum.
  • Владимирцева Анастасия Александровна
  • Ansari A. Q. Archaeological remains of Bodhgaya. New Delhi, 1990. P. 83.
  • Bachhofer L. Early Indian sculptures. Paris, 1929. P. XXII.
  • Bachhofer L. Early Indian sculptures. Reprint: 2 v. New Delhi, 1974.
  • Banerjea Jitendra Nath. The development of Hindu iconography. Calcutta, 1956. P. 432.
  • Barua B. M. Gaya and Bodhgaya. Calcutta, 1931-1934. Vol. 2. P. 109.
  • Coomaraswamy A. K. La sculpture de Bodhgaya // Ars Asiatica. Paris, 1935. Vol. 18. P. 45.
  • Coomaraswamy Ananda K. La sculpture de Bharhut // Annales du Musée Guimet. Paris, 1956. Vol. 6. Figs. 28, 29, 83. (Bibliotheque d’Art).
  • Cunningham A. Mahabodhi or the Great Buddhist Temple under the Bodhi Tree at Buddha Gaya. London, 1892. Р. 11.
  • Cunnungham A. Asiar. Calcutta, 1871-1872. Vol. 3. P. 97.
  • Sinha C. R. Early Sculpture of Bihar. Patna: Indological Book Corp., 1980. P. 54.
Authors: Vladimirtseva Anastasia Alexandrovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 134-139
УДК: 7. 03:24
Keywords: Sudhabhojana-jataka, jataka about nectar, relief, sculpture, Archaeological museum in Bodhgaya, Mahabodhi temple, Bodhgaya, India, attribution, Buddhist sculpture, attributive anchor
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