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Images of H. W. Longfellow in English book illustration of the mid-nineteenth century

  • Annotation
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The English school of book graphics flourished in the mid-nineteenth century, after Thomas Bewick improved the woodcut engraving, it became the most often used technique of book illustration. Several books by H. W. Longfellow were published in 1853-1854 in London; English artists M. Birket Forster, Jane E. Bentam, John Gilbert and Edward Henry Wehnert illustrated the volumes. These works are extremely diverse stylistically, covering various artistic currents of the nineteenth century, they reflect both post-sentimental and romantic features of the English tradition of the «picturesque» landscape can interlace with the influences of the Pre-Raphaelites and early art-nouveau.
  • Арутюнян Юлия Ивановна
  • Борхес Х. Л. В кругу развалин // Борхес Х. Л. Письмена Бога / сост., авт. вступ. ст., примеч. И. М. Петровский. М.: Республика, 1994. С. 212.
  • Верижникова Т. Ф. Искусство книги Англии второй половины XIX - начала XX в. СПб.: СПбГАИЖСА им. И. Е. Репина РАХ, 2005. С. 11-12.
  • Пономарев Е. Р. Типология советского путешествия: «путешествие на Запад» в литературе межвоенного периода. СПб.: СПбГУКИ, 2013. 412 с.
  • Чуковский К. И. Лонгфелло // Чуковский К. И. Критика. URL: http: // chukfamily.ru (дата обращения: 06. 04. 2016).
  • Эко У. Имя Розы / пер. Е. Костюкевич. М.: Симпозиум, 1997. С. 129.
  • Andrews M. The Search of Picturesque: landscape aesthetic and tourism in Britain, 1760-1800. London: Scholar Press, 1989. 297 p.
  • Longfellow H. W. Hyperion: a romance. London: David Bogue, 1853.
  • Longfellow H. W. Poems. London: David Bogue, 1854.
  • Northern Landscapes: representations and realities of Northen-East England / ed. T. Faulkner, H. Berry, J. Gregory. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2010. 326 p.
Authors: Arutyunyan Yuliya Ivanovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 161-164
УДК: 769.2(410)"18":821.111(73)
Keywords: English graphics, nineteenth-century woodcut, English woodcut, book illustration, H. W. Longfellow
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