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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Fashion in digital age youth gender identity

  • Annotation
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Processes taking place in modern culture sent to public relations crisis overcoming due to globalization and unification. Big role in tolerance development belongs to category of uniqueness and identity. The article dedicated to problematic of the gender identity formation in youth environment within digital epoch. Tools of the gender identity formation in accordance with a tradition are external correlates such as clothes, accessories, manners, the factor of their development is the fashion as a process of spiritual values embodiment into material samples. Attention emphasizes to space of the gender identity, i. e. digital information field. In particular, formation and representation of diversity «masculinity» and «femininity» images being considered in social networks system. Theoretical and practical comprehension of the gender identity principles and their implementation in the modern fashion are the main ones in a process of artistic practices development forecasting.

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Authors: Yakovleva Mariya Viktorovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 99-102
Keywords: tolerance,gender,gender identity,21st century fashion,youth fashion,masculinity images,femininity images,digital culture
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