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Museum tourism development in Altai Republic

  • Annotation
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  • List of references

The results of a preliminary study of the development of museum tourism in the open-air museum in the Republic of Altai are covered in the article, the state of the process of museumification of historical and cultural heritage of the region, is also analyzed. The paper assesses the role and importance of monuments as objects of regional tourism. The statistics and trends of regional tourism development and the place of museum tourism are given in it. The practical ways and options of museum tourism development in the Altai Republic taking into account the specifics of the region are offered. Special attention is paid to this type of open-air museums as a museum-reserve, which, along with museum functions, has a special legal status of the reserve, which provides for special regimes for the conservation and use of the territories and objects included in it. As the study showed the museum-reserve is one of the most suitable forms of museumification of heritage sites in the Altai Republic, since the region is rich in both cultural and natural resources.

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Authors: Tandyyanova Aisylu Efimovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 124-128
УДК: [338.483.12:069](571.151)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-1-124-128
Keywords: culture of Altai,museum under open sky,cultural tourism,historical and cultural heritage,monuments of Altai Republic,museumification of heritage sites,historical and cultural expertise,protection of monuments,museum-reserve
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