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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Interaction of general and particular in fine arts of Romanticism

  • Annotation
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  • List of references
The article deals with the content of works of European Romanticism in the aspect of his relationship to the particular and the general. The author analyzes the themes of Romanticism paintings by the example of the historical and other genres, coming to the conclusion of a special, aesthetically productive interaction in these general and particular meaning.
  • Омельяненко Мария Валерьевна
  • Михайлов А. В. Античность как идеал и культурная реальность XVIII - XIX вв. // Михайлов А. В. Языки культуры. М.: Яз. рус. культуры, 1997. С. 510.
  • Herder J. G. Plastik: Einige Wahrnehmungen über Form und Gestalt aus Pygmalions bildendem Traume. Riga; Leipzig: Hartknoch: Breitkopf, 1778. S. 130. URL: http: // deutschestextarchiv. de (дата обращения: 07. 07. 2016).
Authors: Omel’yanenko Mariya Valer’evna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 134-137
УДК: 75.03(4)"18"
Keywords: Romanticism, Western European art of XIX century, French art, historical painting
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