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Franz Kugler about medieval art of Armenia and Georgia

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Franz Kugler, the author of «Handbook of art history», in the second edition of his book refers to the art of Armenia in the chapter dedicated to the art of the medieval East. The text is based on the study of the ways of interaction of traditions in the artistic life of the region. The author analyzes the specificity of formation of the figurative language of art of Armenia, revealing the influence of Byzantine and medieval European traditions, the impact of arabesques and local, regional specificity. F. Kugler builds a hierarchy of influences, showing parallels with the later Romanesque and Gothic styles in Europe. Ignoring the peculiarity of the national variant of medieval art, researcher emphasizes the negative aspects of the development of artistic traditions of the region, believing such interaction is the sign of gradual decline of art. On the basis of the formal-stylistic and comparative analysis the German scientist try to determine the place of the Armenian artistic practice of the middle ages in the context of European and Eastern traditions of the era.
  • Арутюнян Артур Арменович
  • Kugler F. Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte. 3. Ausg. Stuttgart: Ebner und Seubert, 1856. Bd. 1. 580 S.
  • Куглер Ф. Руководство к истории искусства: в 2 т. / перевод Е. О. Корша. Москва: К. Т. Солдатенков, 1869. Т. 1. XVI, 610 с.
  • Schnaase C. Geschichte der bildenden Kunste. Dusseldorf: Julius Buddeus, 1844. Bd. 3. XI, 554 S.
  • Karlholm D. Reading the Virtual museum of general art // Art history. 2001.Vol. 24, № 4. Р. 552-577.
  • Karlholm T. D. Art of illusion: the representation of art history in nineteenth-century Germany and beyond. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006. 272 p.
  • Maranci C. Medieval Armenian Architecture: constructions of race and Nation. Leuven: Peeters, 2001. VIII, 282 p.
  • Հարությունյան Վ. Հայկական ճարտարապետության պատմություն. Երևան: Լույս, 1992. էջ 232․
  • Ալիշան Ղ. Շիրակ. Վենետիկ, 1881. էջ 32.
  • Էփրիկեան Ս. Պատկերազարդ բնաշխարհիկ բառարան. Վենետիկ, 1903. հ. 1, երկ. Տպգր. էջ 197․
  • Maranci C. The Architect Trdat: building practices and cross-cultural exchange in Byzantium and Armenia // J. of Soc. of Architect. Historians. 2003. Vol. 62, № 3, Sept. P. 294-305.
  • Texier C. F. M. Description de l’Armenie, de la Perse, de la Mesopotamie / Public sous les auspices des ministers de l’interieur et de l’instruction publique. Paris: Didot, 1842. Vol. 1. 165 p.
  • Hamilton W. J. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia; with Some Accounts of their Antiquitities and Geology, London: John Murray, 1842. Vol. 1. 596 p.
  • Said E. W. Orientalism. New York: Vintage Book, 1978. 368 p.
  • Хабермас Ю. Что такое народ? // Хабермас Ю. Политические работы. Москва: Праксис, 2005. С. 6-42.
Authors: Arutyunyan Artur Armenovich
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 113-117
УДК: 7.033(479.25):7.072.3(430)
Keywords: methodology of art studies, theory of art, history of art, art of Armenia, general history of art, influences in art, German art history
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