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Public libraries and financial literacy of population

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The article provides the historical and contemporary overview of promoting financial literacy in public libraries of foreign countries. The economic reasons for the necessity of increasing financial literacy in public libraries is described. The attention is paid to national-level programs for different social groups offered by financial sector institutions to encourage activity in public libraries. Such data provides the opportunity to see the growing number of public libraries involved in realization of financial literacy programs. The article presents results concerning motivations for organizing researches on the above mentioned topic in public libraries. The necessity for library personal professional competences development is stressed. The research aspect of financial literacy performance in public libraries is shown. The terminological and conceptual issues concerning the subject boundaries between professional fields and sciences are discussed.
  • Варганова Галина Владимировна
  • Ванеев Анатолий Николаевич
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Authors: Varganova Galina Vladimirovna
Vaneev Anatolii Nikolaevich
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 152-157
УДК: 027.02:336.1
Keywords: LIS, public library, financial sector, financial literacy, researches, financial literacy programs, professional competences
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