научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Technology «culture of dialogue» in education specialists in history of art

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This characteristics and prospects of the use of technology «dialogue of cultures» in the training of specialists in the history of art are analyzed. In the process of learning the history of art is necessary to develop the ability of dialogical relationship to a different cultural experience, embodied in including in the creative act. The technology of the «dialogue of cultures» has in its foundation theoretical propositions developed within the framework of the ideas of M. M. Bakhtin (the notion of culture as a dialogue), V. S. Bibler (the concept of dialogue), V. S. Vygotsky (the idea of inner speech). The use of a «dialogue of cultures» technology helps to solve a number of educational objectives: the development of skills of independent research, the ability to search and formulate scientific problems, parenting teamwork skills and dialogical thinking personality. Representatives of humanitarian professions have a special mission related not only to inform, but also to the formation of cultural policy, the development of communications between the various strata of society. The need to combine innovation with classical teaching methods, to ensure that the fundamental basis for the scientific and creative experiments of the future art is noted.
  • Демшина Анна Юрьевна
  • Каган М. С. Философия культуры. Санкт-Петербург: Петрополис, 1996. 415 с.
  • Бахтин М. М. Эстетика словесного творчества / сост. С. Г. Бочаров; подгот. текста Г. С. Бернштейн, Л. В. Дерюгина; примеч. С. С. Аверинцева, С. Г. Бочарова. Москва: Искусство, 1979. 424 с.
  • Выготский Л. С. Мышление и речь. 5-е изд., испр. Москва: Лабиринт, 1999. 352 с.
  • Библер В. С. Мышление как творчество: введение в логику мысленного диалога. Москва: Политиздат, 1975. 199 с.
  • Каган М. С. Мир общения: проблема межсубъектных отношений. Москва: Политиздат, 1988. 319 с.
  • Бахтин М. М. Проблема текста // Бахтин М. М. Автор и герой: к философским основам гуманитарных наук. Санкт-Петербург: Азбука, 2000. С. 299-317.
  • Сериков В. В. Личностно ориентированное образование: к разработке дидактической концепции // Педагогика. 1994. № 5. С. 16-21.
Authors: Demshina Anna Yur’evna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 179-183
УДК: 7.072:378.016
Keywords: methodology, technology of dialogue of cultures, history of art, higher education, dialogical thinking individual
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