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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Vladimir N. Toporov’ cultural semiotics as resource for system approach in manorial studies

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The cultural-semiotic concept of the «Petersburg text» by Vladimir N. Toporov can be adapted to the study of objects of
smaller scale, such as manorial life. For this, a critical selection and instrumentalization of those provisions of the concept that are
closest to the description of a closed cultural production is necessary. Criticism should also be addressed to descriptive moments
in the concept of Toporov, who showed exactly how the «Petersburg text» is created and works, and a critical reassembly of which
will allow isolating and substantiating as cultural reality the texts of non-urban level. The work makes possible to apply concepts
of the urban text not only to the study of the functioning of literature and art in relation to a large city and the application of the
concept of «text» to the city, but also for microhistorical research on selected sites, specifying the parameters of their cultural
functioning. This will enrich the study of particular cases in the Russian culture with expanded images and concepts that deepen
the understanding of the internal laws of private life in culture and its contact with the core values of literature and art.

  • Марков Александр Викторович
  • 1. Ranchin A. Vladimir Toporov’ Petersburg text. Pervoesentyabrya: newspaper. 2007. 16. URL: http: // lit. 1september.ru (accessed: 2019–04–19) (in Russ.). 2. Poleshchuk L. Z. Petersburg text and Petersburg mythin V. N. Toporov concept. Vestnik of Kostroma State University.2008. 1, 98–101 (in Russ.). 3. Ranchin A. Philology or philosophy? V. N. Toporov andstudy of old Russian hagiography. Russia, 21st century. 2011. 1,140–151 (in Russ.). 4. Toporov V. N. Petersburg text in Russian literature:selected works. Saint Petersburg: Iskusstvo–SPb, 2003.616 (in Russ.).
Authors: Markov Aleksandr Viktorovich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 70-74
Keywords: Vladimir N. Toporov, semiotics, cultural semiotics, urban text, manorial text, microhistory, interdisciplinary research, case in cultural studies
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