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Local saints in Spanish retable

  • Annotation
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The problem of representation of local saints in Spanish retable of 14th–16th centuries is studied. A high
popularity of certain groups of saints throughout Spanish territories is observed, as well as regional or city devotion
to some saints. The peculiarities of saints’ iconography and motifs for including them into retables’ programs are
shown. The images of local saints were placed in diff erent parts of the retable composition: in a central panel if a
chapel, a church or, less often, a cathedral was dedicated to the saint. Narrative vitae scenes, numerous in gothic
époque, disappear by the end of 16th century. In case of diff erent devotion of retables, the saints can be included in
side parts, predella, attic, pilasters and frame, representing local dimension of iconographic program.

  • Прохорцова Мария Максимовна
  • 1. Kroesen J. E. A. Staging the Liturgy: the Medievalaltarpiece in the Iberian peninsula. Lueven; Paris; Walpole:Peeters, 2009. 467. 2. La Cartuja de Mirafl ores. Madrid: Fundación Iberdrola,2007. 2. 77. 3. Company X., Puig I., Ni a M. L’iglesia de Sant Llorenç deLleida. Lleida: Edicions de la Univ. de Lleida, 2015. 55. 4. Malé M. G. Iconografía Jacobea en Cataluña. Ad Limina.Santiago de Compostela, 2013. 4. 153–176.
Authors: Prokhortsova Mariya Maksimovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 83-86
УДК: УДК 7.046.3(=134.2)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-82-85
Keywords: retable, local saints, saints’ iconography, Spanish painting, Spanish sculpture, religious art, mediaeval art
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