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State and church restoration of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Alexander Nevsky Lavra

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The subject of the research is the preservation of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
as a historical and cultural monument and the role of the Russian orthodox church and the State inspection
on protection of monuments of Leningrad in this process. The object of the research is the restoration and
reconstruction work in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in 1957–1987. A particular
attention is paid to the identifying the specifi cs of the periods of the restoration work, as well as the transformation
of the interaction between the Church and the Inspection on protection of monuments from the fi rst period to
the last. Archival documents are introduced into the scientifi c circulation, and they allow studying the conservation
of the Trinity Cathedral in 1957–1987  and clarifying the roles of the Church and the Inspection on protection of
monuments. It is revealed that the user of the cathedral had great importance in preserving the Trinity Cathedral,
because it knew the outstanding historical and cultural signifi cance of the monument very well and not only
promoted, but in some cases persistently sought to complete the work by high-level specialists. The cooperation
of the parties can be considered as one of the best examples, the result of which became the high level of the
preservation of the Holy Trinity Cathedral while using it according to its original purpose.

  • Власникова Мария Александровна
  • 1. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. F. 4. Op. 2. D. 6: Exterior restoration work and Generaldocuments (in Russ.). 2. Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra, 1713–2013: in3 vol. Saint Petersburg: Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavrapubl., 2013. 3: 1917–2013. 447 (in Russ.). 3. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. F. 4. Op. 1. D. 11: Scientifi c report on restoration of TrinityCathedral, 1957–1960 (in Russ.). 4. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. Photograph collection. 1957–1960 restoration,Consecration of Cathedral in 1957 (in Russ.). 5. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. F. 4. Op. 2. D. Oil painting restoration and restorationworks (in Russ.). 6. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. F. 4. Op. 2. D. 5: Internal general exhibition works (inRuss.). 7. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. F. 4. Op. 2. D. 1: Repair and restoration of facade (inRuss.). 8. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. F. 4. Op. 2. D. 7: State Inspection of MonumentsProtection (acts, correspondence, etc.). Restoration of interiorin Holy Trinity Cathedral from September 20, 1982 (in Russ.). 9. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. F. 4. Op. 2. D. 22: Facades, 1984 January (in Russ.). 10. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. F. 4. Op. 5. D. 5: 1995. Project window fi llings of secondlight in central aisle. 3 sets (in Russ.). 11. Archive of Museum Archives in Alexander NevskyLavra. F. 4. Op. 2. D. 2: Correspondence on Holy Trinity Cathe-dral. 1980’s (in Russ.).
Authors: Власникова Мария Александровна
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 87-92
УДК: УДК [726:271.2-523.4](470.23-25):351.853
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-86-91
Keywords: Holy Trinity Cathedral, Alexander Nevsky Lavra, temple, architectural monument, cultural heritage, Russian orthodox church, Leningrad diocese, State inspection on protection of monuments, restoration, reconstruction
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