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Specifi cs of cultural and leisure activities organization in urban local environment

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

Cultural and leisure activities are considered as a resource for the formation and development of a new
urban environment, ensuring intensive socio-economic and cultural development of the city. Cultural and leisure
space becomes a platform for the development of socio-cultural identity, the realization of the creative potential
of the local community in the local territory. It is important to realize that a participative culture lies at the heart
of the organization of cultural and leisure activities in local space forming and developing a new urban cultural
environment. At the same time, cultural and leisure space becomes an art platform for holding multi-format
events, ensuring intensive socio-economic and cultural development of the city, assisting in the creation of cultural
innovations, developing a socio-cultural identity by realizing the creative potential of the local community in the
local territory. The author focuses on the need to develop a new model of the organization of cultural and leisure
activities with this target audience, based on the principles of participative culture, co-creative interaction of the
organizers, integration of cultural and leisure, marketing and Internet technologies.


  • Меркульева Александра Владимировна
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Authors: Merkuleva Aleksandra Vladimirovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 104-111
УДК: УДК 379.81:394
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-103-110
Keywords: cultural and leisure activities, urban local environment, cultural and leisure space, local community, socio-cultural identity, cultural and leisure technologies, creative initiatives
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